Paul & Shark fulfils its commitment to responsibly manage and reduce its direct environmental impacts by promoting initiatives to reduce and offset its carbon footprint at its Varese and Milan sites. In the 2011-2012 biennium, the company made a significant investment in installing photovoltaic systems at its Varese headquarters, aimed at reducing energy dependency and its direct environmental impact; the systems currently have a peak power of 236.91 kWp and 345.64 kWp respectively.
In 2023, the entire photovoltaic plant at the Varese site was renovated and extended. This investment increased the peak power from 115.92 kWp to 236.91 kWp.
Furthermore, from 2021, 100% of the electricity supplied to the grid comes from guaranteed renewable sources*, and from 2022, the CO₂ emissions generated by the use of natural gas are offset by a supplier that supports ethical CO₂ offsetting projects.
100% electricity comes from renewable sources with Guarantee of Origin.
The photovoltaic system covers about 17% of the energy needs of the production facilities in Varese.
Compensation of CO₂ emissions generated by using natural gas100.
*Guarantee of Origin refers to the electronic certification states the renewable origin of the sources used by IGO-qualified plants.

160,000 kg of CO2 avoided in 2023
In 2023, photovoltaic systems produced approximately 519,000 kWh.
About 70% of the electricity produced by the photovoltaic systems was self-consumed.
More than 160,000 kg of CO₂ avoided* in 2023, equivalent to the amount absorbed in one year by approximately 1,820 trees (black birch)**.
*The calculation was performed using the emission factors of national electricity production and consumption (g CO₂/kWh) published by ISPRA - Efficiency and decarbonization indicators in Italy and in the biggest European Countries. Edition 2023
** The calculation is based on the results published in the article “FlorTree: A unifying modelling framework for estimating the species-specific pollution removal by individual trees and shrubs, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening”.
The Sustainability Award is reserved for Italian companies that excel in promoting and implementing sustainable and inclusive development paths, aimed at creating value for stakeholders and society.
Through responsible sourcing (raw materials, energy) and supply chain management, Paul & Shark aims to improve water and energy efficiency and reduce its environmental impact.
In 2011-2012, photovoltaic systems with a peak power of 115.92 kWp and 345.64 kWp were installed at the Varese and Casciago sites.
In 2020, the Environmental Management System developed according to UNI EN ISO 14001 was certified.
From 2021, the supply of electricity from the grid comes 100% from renewable sources with Guarantee of Origin.
From 2022, the CO₂ emissions generated by the use of natural gas are offset by a supplier that supports ethical CO₂ offsetting projects.
In 2022, a biological plant was installed to treat and recirculate wastewater generated by industrial washing machines in the fulling phase.
In 2022-2023, to reduce dependence on natural gas, heat pumps were installed at the Varese site to heat and cool the buildings.
In 2023, the entire photovoltaic system in Varese was revamped and expanded, increasing peak power from 115.92 kWp to 236.91 kWp. Also in 2023, the company started a collaboration with Karma Metrix, the first digital sustainability pathway that measures, improves and communicates the environmental impact of a website. Initiatives include the integration of the Eco View function on the website, which enables the display of energy-efficient pages, and further improvements including videos and images management, to help to reduce CO₂eq emissions.
(1.) In 2021 Dama Spa is among the 100 companies that have distinguished themselves for sustainability
(2.) Dama Spa is among the TOP 50 Performance award-winning companies in 2022
(3.) In 2023 Dama Spa was awarded in the TOP 100 Excellence and TOP 100 Performance categories